Si Robotics – Social robotics for active and healthy ageing

Si Robotics – Social robotics for active and healthy ageing


Exprivia (Capofila), Item Oxigen srl, R2M Solution srl, Grifo Multimedia srl, Next2U srl, Cupersafety srl, Istituto Nazionale Riposo e Cura Anziani (INRCA), Fondazione Neurone Onlus, Fondazione religione e di culto “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” – Opera di San Pio da Pietralcina, Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento Sant’Anna, Università degli studi di Milano, Università degli studi di Genova, Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Università politecnica delle Marche, Fondazione Bruno Kessler , Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto Internazionale per gli Alti Studi Scientifici “Eduardo R. Caianiello”


National Operational Program – Management Authority: Ministry of Education, University and Research


Conceiving and developing new solutions in the field of ICT assistive robotic technologies, capable of supporting people in the performance of health care services, acting with socially acceptable behaviour.

In a nutshell, patients, caregivers and medical nursing staff will be able:

At home or in residential centres

To assist the frail elderly from a continuum perspective by providing three fundamental services:

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  • Monitoring – of the state of nutrition and hydration, of the mobility of the elderly (e.g. walking speed); of the gripping force; the degree of sociability;
  • Tele-service – activating alerts or video calls to the patient’s control room or caregiver;
  • Coaching – stimulating the patient from a physical, cognitive, social point of view, acting as a stimulus to improve the patient’s lifestyle.

In hospital

To provide three main services:

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  • Reception of outpatients returning to the hospital for rehabilitation treatments
  • Support to the therapist during therapy sessions
  • Monitoring of bedridden patients: detecting abnormal situations or behaviours

Achieved Results

Exergame designed and implemented on a robotic platform aimed at the rehabilitation therapy of the elderly at home or in a residential centre, capable of helping the patient to carry out rehabilitation exercises in total safety according to the defined therapeutic plan.

The entire rehabilitation process will be guided by an intelligent conversational agent (virtual coach) able to improve patient awareness and therapeutic compliance (AWARENESS), and provide useful tools (UTILITIES) to improve the quality of life.


Patients aware of the risks associated with their illness and the effects of treatments tend to adopt attitudes and lifestyles in line with medical prescriptions.


Enjoyed in on-demand TV style. Possibility of having contents suggested by the virtual coach which detects the training needs on the basis of the diagnostic therapeutic assistance path and the monitored behaviours.

Synoptic therapeutic trend

It provides access to all information relating to therapeutic compliance, the improvement of clinical parameters and the trend of risk factors. It shows the correlations with the virtuous actions carried out during a certain previous period.


Pharmacological therapies are complicated in the presence of co-morbidities. Therefore, it is useful to help the patient by providing information when needed.

Activity reminder

The virtual coach indicates which drugs to take, suggests physical activity to do, suggests recipes or balanced meals, etc.

Therapeutic games

They are therapeutic activities in the form of a game, and they can relate to the cognitive, social physical or behavioural sphere.

Sensor device monitoring

The robotic platform monitors in real time the clinical parameters of interest providing summary indices by means of which the patient and caregivers can monitor the state of health.

Expected benefits

  • Improvement of the quality of life of the patient suffering from chronic condition
  • Increased therapeutic compliance
  • Organizational efficiency of the health structures in which the system is adopted
  • Extension of the number of patients who can carry out home rehabilitation activities


January 2019 – June 2021




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